Summit Sky Ranch is an approximately 400-acre conservation-based master planned community located in the northern portion of the Town of Silverthorne, Summit County, Colorado. The master plan focused on creating a unique rural residential neighborhood while preserving sensitive natural resources within the County. As part of the planning process Ecological Resource Consultants, Inc. (ERC) provided baseline documentation of natural resources including, breeding bird survey, rare plant survey, threatened and endangered species screening, aquatic resource delineation, wetland hydrology study, vegetation cover type mapping, wildlife use assessment, CDOT Environmental Clearance and completed GPS/GIS mapping. To ensure compliance with environmental regulations ERC obtained an Approved Jurisdictional Determination, Clean Water Act Section 404 authorization and developed formal Compensatory Mitigation, all approved through the US Army Corps of Engineers Northwestern Colorado Branch Grand Junction Field Office. ERC also provided compliance documentation for Town of Silverthorne Code for Waterbody, Wetland and Riparian Protection and Wildlife regulations.