Lazy River Ranch, Park County, CO

The Lazy River Ranch, located downstream of Tarryall Reservoir on Tarryall Creek had been impacted by years of land management practices and cattle grazing. As a result aquatic habitat was limited, bank erosion was actively occurring and riparian vegetation that is necessary to support a healthy stream system was largely absent. ERC was hired to improve the overall health of the stream and riparian system with the specific project goal of reducing sediment loading to the creek. ERC completed a design for this 7,700 foot reach that incorporated physical improvements such as bank stabilization, slope reductions in the floodprone area and revegetation of the riparian corridor for over 3,100 feet of bank protection. In addition to these physical improvements, land management suggestions on limited moving adjacent to the stream and confinement of cattle were included in ERC’s design. Instream improvements included stabilizing the stream bed with soil filled grade control structures, creation of gravel riffles and construction of self-sustaining overwintering pool habitat.