Before & After
Photos provide an overview of pre project conditions of the lower meadow area and planned stream channel alignment

Platte River Ranch Before

Platte River Ranch After
Owners of the Platte River Ranch were looking to transform their property into a top-notch fishery that both challenged their abilities and provided opportunities for children and beginner anglers to hone their flyfishing skills. ERC designed and constructed improvements that focused on providing a wide range of aquatic habitat and angling prospects that met this challenge. Restoration work included reconnecting two side channel segments, creating oxygenated riffles for macro invertebrate production, developing flat water for dry fly opportunities, construction of step pools and bend pools for refuge and glides and runs for traditional trout feeding lanes. To improve fishability for the variety of angler use ERC completed bank stabilization work, created access channels, provided rustic steps for easier access to challenging areas and created eddies for safety for children.
Goal: Optimize Aquatic Habitat to Increase Trout Holding Capacity for Large Fish While Creating a Variety of Angling Challenges

Platte River Ranch Construction

Platte River Ranch Construction
Major improvements included:
- Habitat Variety
- Deep Pools with Micro-Habitat Features
- Riffles and Glides with Micro-Habitat
- Oxygen and Rock Structure without Barrier or Disruption of Sediment

Habitat Variety

Riffles and Glides with Micro-Habitat

Deep Pools with Micro-Habitat Features

Oxygen and Rock Structure without Barrier or Disruption of Sediment