Ecological Resource Consultants, Inc. (ERC) provided complete Clean Water Act Section 404 compliance consultation for a proposed mix-use private development project near Fraser, Grand County, Colorado. ERC completed an aquatic resource delineation (approved jurisdictional determination) and Clean Water Act Section 404 authorization for proposed development impacts to Waters of the US. As part of the authorization, ERC prepared a compensatory mitigation plan for approximately 0.5 acre of on-site permittee responsible mitigation. ERC delivered the project utilizing a turn-key design-build model, providing initial concept development, cost estimates, construction plans, regulatory coordination, construction implementation, wetland topsoil salvage and placement, native revegetation and provided a five-year monitoring and maintenance program. The compensatory wetland mitigation was determined successful and approved within 5 years following construction by the US Army Corps of Engineers Northwestern Colorado Branch Grand Junction Field Office.