Generally physical education is all about movement and doing, but to accommodate for the students that may not learn/remember as well through movement, allowing them to take notes, or give different associations for the students to remember may help. I possess several beliefs on the topic of physical education, including its significance in ones life and the value pertaining to a students education. And what my project was on was how can you develop new materials for 3D printing? However, in many industries, from art to engineering to marketing, people demonstrate their proficiency with portfolios. Ill then rename each folder until every student within that grade/class has their own. Now, files in my Macs Google Drive folder are streamed from Google Drive. 17:47 JR: What I also wanted to talk about was this whole levelling of Bringing down the capacity that students need or everyone needs to be able to design some of these sort of things that can be printed. It not only provides the students with options in becoming more physically fit, it also motivates them to stay healthy in their future. In my experience, it is important for students to work on developing their research and writing for a portfolio independently. Students have a variety of specializations, including costuming, set design, acting, theatre tech, and choreography. 23:00 MV: Yeah. Here they are along with some examples of what they could look like in physical education: Strategy One: Provide a Clear and Understandable Vision of the Learning Target What is it? Some of the studies included in this systematic review show that written reflection differentiates the reflective component of teacher practice (e.g., pedagogical content knowledge, content and . WeAreTeachers Staff on July 5, 2022 Do you have a teaching portfolio? Comparatively, so say were making some other plastic piece of equipment, typically theyre gonna be made through injection, whats called injection moulding. And even for some tennis athletes that had some issues with grips, they couldnt get their full hand around the tennis racket because of an injury they had sustained. Im constantly trying to figure out how students are doing in terms of their learning and communicate that information to them (my Assessment Magnetsget a ton of action these days). Explore student portfolios. That being said,share away! One may inquire what is the purpose of a portfolio. So I think in schools its very, very similar and itll be exciting to see how that grows and developing Like, I was never exposed to 3D printing when I was in grade school at all, but itll be exciting to see some of the kids growing up now who will have this exposure and probably after a few practices can be a better designer than me on some of these software tools, like what happens to them as they start to go into college and go into the professional world where its expected that you have a 3D printing machine to use. Source: In stagra m. Examples of student art portfolios. 28:30 MV: Absolutely. Travis Stevens - Physical Education. Expand Portfolio as a New Teacher New teaching. Myth 3: Portfolios are a self-contained course project for students to work on independently. This model can be used in conjunction with the sports education and adventure education models in that the students do the teaching to each other rather than the teacher teaching the entire unit. Student digital portfolio examples include the following: Digital portfolios offer many multi-media choices for demonstrating learning. Notation for Rational Numbers, Fractions & Decimals. The app will let you know when new episodes go LIVE & allow you to listen to all of the episodes while on the go. Ive talked to, or Ive seen, a lot of printers go up in schools, and at least the tools for designing being taught. So welcome to the show, Mike. Our mission is to help you become the best physical education teacher you can be. Applications of Functional Anatomy to Physical Education (HB101) Organisational Resources (COMM1170) Services Marketing (AMB340) . So even equipment thats designed for kids may not optimally fit them. 5 | August 23, 2017 Physical educators have been creating themfor yearsnow. Is school a growing area for 3D design and 3D printing, do you think? Physical education is about student development, about teaching the whole student through a process. If the assessment task takes longer than this, I need to. 2017 All Rights Reserved | Powered by, Google Apps for #PhysEd: Combining Drive & Sites for Portfolios, Google Forms + autoCrat = Educational Gold, Exit Tap Cards: Reflecting On The Learning Process In Physical Education, Teaching Rhythm and Dance In Physical Education, Co-Constructing Success Criteria in Physical Education, Responsibility Badges in Physical Education. Also, just a final note, this post if very GIF-heavy. Grade. So thats really exciting for PE teachers and students to really make the opportunity to make things customised for their own classes to make learning more efficient. Both of these philosophies require a broad assessment due to the nature of the learning process which is applied to demonstrating knowledge in various ways, not simply paper and pencil tasks and tests. is an online professional development resource for physical educators. . The Student Portfolio Series allows students to assemble their own portfolio to track their fitness and will help them make a plan to manage their fitness throughout life as they progress in the material. Colorful Photography Portfolio Design. The Student Portfolio Series 1 is designed for middle school students. 27:17 MV: Sure. Academic Year. Republic of the Philippines LAGUNA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Siniloan (Host) Campus Siniloan, Laguna FIELd STUdY ANd PRE-SERVICE TEACHING PORTFOLIO Prepared by: ALELI M. ARIOLA Pre-Service Teacher ARLENE G. ADVENTO BSEd - Mathematics, Pre-Service Teacher Supervisor CORAZON N. SAN AGUSTIN, Ph. The portfolio serves the double purpose of helping them to consolidate their learning and allowing them to demonstrate how far they've come. Muscles of the Body Diagram/How the muscles of the body work 6. With these tools in hand, Im ready to start going through the evidence. The Dangers and Benefits of . The Documents to Include in Your Portfolio Included inside your portfolio should be professional documents, education and training you've received, activities and volunteer work you've done in the community, and any personal interests that might be relevant to the position you're applying for. Check out how I create mine in this monster blog post! Portfolio Information Developing a portfolio documenting your strengths, accomplishments, and successes as a teacher is becoming increasingly more important. So I would keep an eye out 1n the sports wearables space. Graphicscharts, concept diagrams, timelines, photographs, etc.showing important data such as test scores Book excerpts or quotations chosen by the student A chart tracking every free-choice book a student has read that year Reading logs Ill copy thedescription from the file name (e.g. Anthony Burrill 16. Additional purposes of portfolios include: There are many different types of portfolios. Hattie Stewart 13. Whats on the horizon? So thats a really For me at least, really exciting where you actually get to see things that youre working on in the lab or in research being applied in products in the next season. Juliette van Rhyn 10. A student portfolio serves as a body of evidence to demonstrate a student's strengths and weaknesses, learning growth, and proficiency that may be aligned with state or district standards. An error occurred trying to load this video. If not, you absolutely should! First off, Ill need two things with me as I do this: my Learning Roadmap rubric for the current unit being taught and my iOS Numbers Gradebooks to keep track of where my students are at in their learning. I have wanted to pursue a career in Primary Education for several years now. They allow for a visual layout of portfolio pieces, or for items to be displayed separately. Examples of student ePortfolios The ePortfolios linked below are creative, fun, and effective. This means that larger files are not kept on my computer which frees up a ton of space! With that being said, lets get into it: The whole idea of starting to create/maintain student portfolios from my students came from a situation I experienced early on in my career. To archive a portfolio, Ill simply grab all of the folders in a students current portfolio and drag them into their archive folder. 16:56 JR: Yeah. Step 5: Determine what format the portfolio will take. 2. Ongoing and comprehensive with multiple opportunities to demonstrate abilities. Special Education Assessment in the Classroom, Teaching Students with Visual Impairments, Teen Dating Violence Prevention for Educators, Institutional & Ethical Issues in Special Education, Using the Dimensions of Learning Framework, ILTS TAP - Test of Academic Proficiency (400): Practice & Study Guide, Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081) Prep, Praxis World & U.S. History - Content Knowledge (5941): Practice & Study Guide, FTCE General Knowledge Test (GK) (082) Prep, Praxis Chemistry: Content Knowledge (5245) Prep, Foundations of Education: Certificate Program, OAE Assessment of Professional Knowledge - Early Childhood (PK-3) (001) Prep, OAE Assessment of Professional Knowledge - Adolescence to Young Adult (7-12) (003) Prep, Create an account to start this course today. Last year, my school officially became a G Suite for Education (formally known as Google Apps for Education) school. Professional Fashion Portfolio Template. Showing the students activities such as hiking, canoeing, or team building will give them more options besides the traditional sports learned in physical education. I also greatly enjoy my studies of English, having achieved A grades at AS level in both English Literature and English Language, which is why I wish to study this as a specialism. Thats without a doubt. My goal is to get every single student to enjoy at least one activity learned in class in which they are willing to continue participating in after their physical education years are over. Edna Cerrillos designer portfolio example. Joey Feith is the founder of Step 3: Organize the portfolio. Class 1: Sixth grade students creating a portfolio of their science work over the course of the school year. All rights reserved. in Special Education with an emphasis in Gifted, K-12. Zheng is a student at RIT pursuing Master degree of Visual Communications Design. Why? My Learning Roadmaps are printed out, so Ill usually have it posted on the whiteboard above my desk. Ill create a folder on my desktop (e.g. Ive literally had to hand make baseball bats when I worked for a baseball equipment manufacturer. It is to engage and encourage students to achieve their personal best in a safe and fun environment. Ill have to collect all of the paper assessment tools we used in class and then use the schools Xerox machine to scan them (Ill usually sort the papers in alphabetical order prior to scanning them). And you can also follow me on Twitter. Lauren Hom 9. This comprehensive assessment is necessary when looking at the implementation of teaching methods such as constructivism, which is a theory that focuses on the individual learner playing an active role in the building of knowledge, as well as multiple intelligence theory. Updated: 10/12/2020 11:42AM. Craig Black 12. For example, a writing portfolio may exhibit a student's written work across genres and demonstrate proficiency in designated components of writing. Really excited about that. But thats obviously progressing as well? For that reason alone, Id say that Anchor Portfolios are work worth doing. As I go through the process, Ill take notes on students who I need to follow up with or spend more time with in our next lesson. Students should be at the center of this process and given the freedom to select content and organize it in order to nurture empowerment and reflection. Advantages of student portfolios versus traditional methods include the following: It is also important to realize the disadvantages of portfolios compared to traditional assessments. Although this is a long-term project, it will help my students have a better understanding of what each level can look like and reflect on the differences between the four levels. My website is called and it has a little bit about what I do and some videos about the sports specific work that Ive done as well. 24:00 MV: Because 3D printing is unique in the sense that it can do a lot of manufacturing fairly quickly, in terms of condensing the timeline for how a part is built, its forcing these groups that otherwise may not have worked together as closely, really together. Now that I am doing a better job at creating my Learning Roadmaps with their four levels of mastery for each unit and have collected a lot of examples of student work/performance, I'm going to start creating Anchor Portfolios for the grade-level outcomes we focus on throughout the school year. Student ePortfolio Examples Carrie White Watch on Elyse Farley Thorup Watch on Don't forget to take a look at our videos and ePortfolios from previous ePortfolio scholarship recipients! - History & Explanation, The Anasazi Tribe: Pottery, Homes, Ruins & Clothing, John Paul Jones: Biography, Facts & Quotes, The Battle of Lake Erie in 1813: Summary & Facts, Annapolis Convention of 1786: Definition & Overview, The Albany Congress: Definition & Summary, Presidential Election of 1848: Summary, Candidates & Results, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, Demonstration of academic achievement and progress, Reflections on the individual's learning process. So since an early age, Ive really, my passion has been in baseball, but I enjoy kind of all sports. Thematic portfolios are centered on a large concept, or specific unit, such as the concept of 'power', or a literature theme based on a novel. Due to school policy, I couldnt show you examples of my students work or their portfolio items, so I made up a class list here. School districts are demanding it of their teachers and it is becoming crucial to have one when attending an interview when seeking a job. 10+ Portfolio Essay Examples 1. There exists gray areas that cannot definitively be graded with a percentage; therefore, grading consistency across the board may be lost. This step drives the entire process and gives the student and teacher direction. 48 lessons. Teaching Portfolio Examples To Showcase Your Talents Topic: Professional Development Grades: Elementary School, High School, Middle School: Career Advice 12 Teaching Portfolio Examples That Will Get You Hired Put your best foot forward. Portfolios will be presented to parents and classmates at their year-end graduation ceremony. A few clicks and drags later, and I now have a cloud-based student portfolio system. Last year, I was going a step deeper into this process by creating folders for each outcome targeted within each unit. 07:22 MV: And the reason for that is that they dont have the regulations that you would say an automotive company might have or a company that makes airplanes has. For one, having evidence of my students learning and progress collected and organized into portfolios helps me a) make better decisions as to how I should be adapting my teaching to meet their needs, and b) make more accurate decisions when assessing where my students are at in their learning. Showcasing a student's best work. Collecting enough evidence over time also allows me to show my students just how much they have progressed within a unit/term/year. And there I got my first introduction to the Sports Technology Institute, and kind of long story short, decided after MIT to go out there and pursue a PhD. This lesson gave you great resources for understanding the importance of student portfolios. UOI Links. I use the Google Drive app for macOSwhich gives me access to my Google Drive folder right on my Mac and has it act like any other regular Finder folder. In the blog post that I mentioned earlier on that went out in March, I mentioned the whole ability to customise things to suit the student that is there in that particular point in time and thats really powerful. - Ideas & Examples, Using Graphic Organizers as Assessment Tools, Curriculum-Based Assessment: Advantages & Disadvantages, FTCE School Psychologist PK-12 (036) Prep, UExcel Workplace Communications with Computers: Study Guide & Test Prep, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Certificate Program, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Help and Review, Praxis Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge (5571) Prep, ILTS Social Science - Geography (245): Test Practice and Study Guide, ILTS Social Science - Political Science (247): Test Practice and Study Guide, Praxis Biology: Content Knowledge (5236) Prep, Introduction to American Government: Certificate Program, Introduction to Counseling: Certificate Program, DSST Fundamentals of Counseling: Study Guide & Test Prep, Benefits of ePortfolios for Teachers & Students, The National Recovery Administration: History & Overview, Adversarial Journalism: Definition & History, Who Was Roger Williams? 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